Sunday, November 5, 2017

395. Poem: History Courses Are for Kids

 Taking history courses a kid learns what life is like man not what it's supposed to be like those courses work to what they say lower our expectations and it sure as hell worked on me man I come home from Ancient Greece I don't expect anybody to do me any favors I mean those ancients you ride in a boat with them and they see you have muscles they'll tie you up and sell your ass at the next port I mean there ain't no business that ain't slave business life is so hard and they need money so bad I mean somebody to do the work and work god work how much it took to just put food on the table and clothes on the backs of your kids so if you want more you if you want time to carve marble you have to get a slave and that's you buddy once you get out in a boat with anybody who wants more and has buddies that will help because there are no cops nobody to call and that was life in the time of Homer and so was being a guy with muscles on the shores of America when Columbus arrived because he would make your ass a slave as quick as he could slaves hell a hold full of slaves was just what you hoped for when everybody back home wanted more and the price was high and you had to pay for the trip and make Isabella happy seeing a lot more people crossing all that ocean god it better be worth it and you learn that you wonder how in the world you ever expected your ancestors to be exceptions and make sculptures and cross oceans just for good kids like you in good times like ours.

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