Tuesday, October 31, 2017

393. Poem: The Killing of Children

Oh the killing of children there on the Ken Burns screen the children the children the Vietnamese children their clothes still burning it's so awful we're so awful killing the Vietnamese children but then on the screen the Kansas children the boys with the arms of their sisters around them and then their guts out in Vietnam big children big children their guts on the ground this war is so awful this horrible war and a guy asks do you know any war that's not horrible and kills children I mean if you look close and I now a close looker have to say no not the noblest war the noblest crusade not even the Children's Crusade not the Native American's war to protect his native place children get killed so the only way out is not to go to war at all and the guy says so it's nobler to lie down in front of the white man and I say yes you can't stop him anyway and he says what about the Serb snipers killing the children on the playground in Sarajevo can you stop them and I say yes by bombing Serbia not war not war and he says look closer look closer you've collaterally killed Serbian children burned them in their clothing just as burned just as dead so what are you going to do to stop the snipers from killing children what are you going to do huh what are you going to do?

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