Sunday, October 8, 2017

389. Poem: The Forgotten American Multitude

Now it's a big Hollywood producer asking women boom to give him a naked massage and before that it was a dumb future president just grabbing them boom big like a few  years earlier a Navy admiral grabbed junior officers' wives boom in his office and gave them a deep kiss doing the night thing right in the middle of the day like some sailors I knew and it's not just men liking to skip the romance because four of the wives made it worth the admiral's while just the way my Navy buddies' pickups did and I am thinking I down here must be a member of the smart elite or something because I don't do that and the elite I'm a member of has to be the friends men and women around me because they don't do that either don't jump right at the prize but fool around and play around in the daytime some I'm guessing getting so wrapped up in the play that they forget how it's supposed to end until one remembers and then wow can't believe they're doing this wild night thing with this friend they know so well in the daytime and that is what I would like to call normal in America and the other behavior freaky but have a hard time when I see such a large number of my fellow citizens accepting as if it were normal all that dumb freaky behavior.

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