A piccolo player, no matter how hard he tries, cannot make a
"concerted effort." Only the orchestra can do that. The result is a
"concert." The picture of it settles the meaning: people doing
something together.
So Mayor Bloomberg can't make "a concerted
effort to rebut criticism that he was ignoring the
boroughs" (NYT, 1-20-11) and tennis player Vera Zvonareva can't make
"a concerted effort to knock Clijsters off stride" (1-20-11). They're
piccolo players and the editors of the New York Times are having them and a
host of others do only what groups can do. Twenty-three times in the last 90
days. Worse, they're having some of them "make a more concerted effort." Trying harder.
I know, it's a very small thing. A little spot. But these
editors have already shown that they take exactness and efficiency —
cleanliness — so far down the scale of word use that it's surprising that they
have let this spot stay. Is it too small?
There are people out there trying to keep the rules unbroken
I'm sure I wouldn't find any smears in Bloomberg News.