Monday, July 16, 2018

407. A Poem about Trump and Putin

Where do you throw your support when an unsupportable president moves to change the least supportable policy of the four presidents before him?  I mean nobody, nobody who really thinks about it, can defend our pushing against Russia when the Cold War ended, acting as if it hadn't ended, taking Russia's moves towards accommodation as signs of weakness, keeping NATO in the same mode, pushing its borders ever eastward, threatening to make war-treaty allies of countries snug against its interior (Ukraine, Georgia, Abkasia) when there really wasn't a need for NATO at all any more?  No you can't, it's not supportable, but only a few guys in think tanks and one brain on spindly legs in Foreign Policy are saying so, nobody in public life, until along comes this insufferable blowhard, speaking in tweets saying just what needs to be said.  And you're going to say, "Amen, brother"?  How can you say "Amen, brother" to an asshole?

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