Thursday, January 11, 2018

401. Poem: Among lovers how many Chekhovs

Among lovers how many Chekhovs how many finding the contact of genitals a comedown finding all the joy in the narrowing distance the joy freaky yes but are these people more freaky than Platonist freaks who had a big following they those loving wretches who swore 'tis not the bodies marry but the minds or are there hundreds thousands of Chekhovians what am I talking about we'll never know because unlike the Platonists who tell how close they lay the whole night long and never touched Chekhovians never tell us anything at all is it embarrassment at their freakiness is it patrician reserve is it lack of pride or is it abundance of power power they might lose if they blab or display I guess power but not a single power as in the hormone I guess all the powers as in the powers of mind and memory and knowledge knowledge of the woman memory sensing in the kiss the long girlhood of the albums lost in the move to single male power and the burst into that whole shooting match.

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