I see that the "theme of the day" for the
second day of the Democratic Convention will be "Mothers of the Movement," with "the mothers of
Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland and more, all men and women who died
in police custody or as a result of police actions" speaking.
That's such a mistake.
It's the voters in the middle or wavering on the other side you should
be going for, Democrats; this will only intensify the feelings of the voters
you already have. And it might
well lose you the waverers on the Republican side. There's nobody to speak for the policemen killed. Do you think that Trump won't notice
that and take advantage of it?
"See, what did I tell you?
You're left out. I'm your man. Come on and help me take America back. You can't bail out now."
I can hear it now.
And you're setting him up for it. Please correct this, maybe by inserting something honoring
the policemen, as quickly as you can.
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