Monday, July 25, 2016

348. A Big Mistake

I see that the "theme of the day" for the second day of the Democratic Convention will be "Mothers of the Movement," with "the mothers of Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland and more, all men and women who died in police custody or as a result of police actions" speaking. 

That's such a mistake.  It's the voters in the middle or wavering on the other side you should be going for, Democrats; this will only intensify the feelings of the voters you already have.  And it might well lose you the waverers on the Republican side.  There's nobody to speak for the policemen killed.  Do you think that Trump won't notice that and take advantage of it?  "See, what did I tell you?  You're left out.  I'm your man.  Come on and help me take America back.  You can't bail out now."

I can hear it now.  And you're setting him up for it.  Please correct this, maybe by inserting something honoring the policemen, as quickly as you can.


347. Flash to Hillary from the Great Adviser in the Sky

Once again I, a little academic blogger with, at this fraught American moment a larger following in Russia than in the U.S., get this missive from the Great Political Adviser in the Sky to pass on to Hillary Clinton.  Maybe he (or she) is worried about future conflict.  Anyway, I'll pass it on, as instructed.

You've got to trust me now more than ever, Hillary.  Play it right.  Move to the center, the way Bill did.  You've already got every vote to the left of you so forget satisfying the Sanders people.  Go for the shaky Trump people, who are going to get shakier and shakier.  That guy's not going to wear well.  Even at the convention I could see the glow on the faces dim as his speech went beyond an hour. 

Give blacks and Latinos due attention, but no more, nothing to make the Republican whites think you're not entirely on their side.  Even if they feel hurt the minorities are going to mark for you rather than Trump.  His wild words have bound them, and will bind them to you, no matter what you do.

And speaking of words, modulate yours.  You have a strident voice, Hillary, and from the next room you can sometimes almost sound like Trump.  Cool it.  Don't be tempted by the pictures of you as a fighter ready to take on Trump in the ring, as on the New Yorker cover.  Forget the followers cheering, "Go girl, give it to him, blow for blow," however sweet that would be in your ears.  No, leave that to your subordinates, or your sympathetic pundits.  Your speech should be as close to Margaret Thatcher's as you can make it.

You want contrast with Trump, presidential contrast.  Maybe you shouldn't even mention his name.  Just tear down, in that scholarly Obama way, everything he stands for.  Surely you have writers who know how to do this, skewer without ever being caught with the skewer. 

I know you'll be sorely tested.  Trump will say terrible things about you.  There will be moments when you'll barely be able to contain yourself.  For help in those moments I'll offer this brain-reminder, this axiom-com-mantra given me by a lawyer in my town and employed by me ever since when oh-such-biting answers to a Trump type rise in my brain: "Never get in a pissing contest with a skunk."

Your failure would be a national disaster.  Your ultimate prize, a Congress with both houses behind you, would be a national blessing.  Every unhypnotized American is behind you.  So go girl, go presidential girl!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

346. How Trump Turned White Eggheads into Black Rappers

"Egghead" is, leaving out its derogatory coloring, a word for "a person who is highly academic or studious" and that person is "often a professor or the protégé of a professor."  

If "egghead" fit me and my colleagues who taught English Composition it meant keeping your writing unified and coherent and choosing specific words over vague words.  In argumentative compositions it emphatically meant avoiding violations of logic.  If anything like a Donald Trump speech appeared before us it would have gotten a flat F.

Now it appears that many of our white male protégés and even a few of our colleagues are telling pollsters, by word or, more likely, by anonymously clicking a button, that they intend to vote for Donald Trump.

It's the great unexplainable of our academic lives, and nobody inside or outside of academia has been much help.  In the public forums I follow there are plenty of explanations for the less-educated men's behavior but none, zero, for the well-educated men's.

When you're hard up for explanations you explore the outer reaches and, spurred on by polls showing Trump gaining ground, I have thought harder and harder about what it might be in me and my colleagues that would allow an entry by somebody like Trump.  And the only thing I found is almost too outré to report: hatred of self-contradiction, the archetypical fault of the bad mind all teachers, but especially Composition and logic teachers, are trying to turn into the good mind.

"Impossible!" you say.  I do too.  Who is more full of contradictions than Donald Trump?  You'd have to find a pretty objectionable case to compete with his case.

To accept the one I found you'll have to accept, I'm afraid, my explanation of the action of Drew Faust, president of Harvard, in denying scholarships and team captaincies to any student (she was obviously pointing at men) who joined a single-sex club: that it was a blow in the war between the sexes (Post 340) in which she held all the moral weapons.  She and her fellows in the enlightened world were right every time they spoke about patriarchy.  A white man had about as much power in moral suasion as a bare-fisted pagan had in combat with a Roman soldier.  Indeed, what women ruled at that point amounted to a moral empire.

I see frustration, and internal pressure building up.  Testosterone maybe.  And a man can't stand up and argue it away.  Not in a public arena where every spectator understands moral power, and knows who has it.  Furthermore, if he's an academic he's already got his reason, three-quarters on the side of the feminists, keeping the lid on.  Yet he's still a male and can't help feeling those defeats as blows, lashes on a poor pagan's back.  With not a cry from him.

Finally, the salt in the wound, he senses that Drew Faust knows her power and her position atop a moral and intellectual empire.  She's just doing this to rub in her sex's victory.

 But that, too, had to go without complaint in a Christian culture, where there's no credible objection to the kind of power she is employing, the power of the persecuted, the weak, the long-victimized.  Who can object to power when it's used to hold a Christian to his obligation to love?  There can't even be internal objection.  

Except that objection to contradiction.  And when the cause of contradiction, that core fault of the bad mind, is love, a passion, it represents (oh Milton) exactly what would take all mankind (in Adam) down: the victory of the passions over the reason.  This kind of moral correctness is simply uncontrolled love.  It's sentimentality, emotion without intelligence.

And where did the eggheads see this contradiction?  In those employing Drew Faust's kind of power and working next to her, in race relations.  They were rebuking white men for language they freely accepted coming from black men.  The N-word for blacks, the B-word for women, outrageous in a white mouth, was OK in a black mouth.  "I ain't fucking with you, you bitch" lets the rapper, because his race is the victimized race, go on to greater success while, in the middle of paragraphs of hedging and contextualizing, "there are issues of intrinsic differences of aptitude" [between men and women in science and engineering], gets the white man removed from his position (as president of Harvard, and Faust's predecessor — the justice of which removal I'm not questioning here).

The egghead has been living with these burrs in his underwear, correctness burrs, this last one the worst, for years now.  And he hasn't been able to cry out.  Then he sees a place that's not public and where frustration and outrage don't have to be suppressed, a polling booth.  There he will, as the surveys show, fill in the circle for Donald Trump.  He will be saying to Drew Faust, who's name is to him now legion,

I ain't fuckin' with you
You little, you little dumb ass bitch, I ain't fuckin' with you
I got a million trillion things I'd rather fuckin' do
Than to be fuckin' with you.