Friday, March 25, 2016

331. Smart-heads, Dumb-heads, Fairness to Trump

Smart-heads, Dumb-heads, Fairness to Trump

Dumb-heads select out all the bad things from the mixed pile of actions and words of the human being who is on the side they call bad in politics.  They do the same with the good things in the pile of the human being who is on their side.  This is called (by me, for example, in Post 327) tribal distortion.  It signals tribal allegiance.

Smart-heads don't do that, and trust that the bad and the good will reveal themselves.  This distinguishes them from the dumb heads. When smart heads distort they lose their distinction and let the other side say, "See, you're just like us."

Mixed heads leading busy lives need quick, revelatory tests.  In editorializing about black incarceration rates there is this test:  Is the rate of black crime reported along with that rate?  No? Tribal distortion. In editorializing about Donald Trump's vulgarity there's this test: Are his words about the size of his hands (i.e., penis) reported along with Marco Rubio's words provoking the words?  No?  Tribal distortion.  Smart reporters and columnists writing for mixed-head newspapers will, if they fall into tribal distortion, be corrected by smarter editors.  Did the writer give the context, the provocation, and any qualifications and reservations?  Did Donald Trump invite the nation into his pants out of the blue?

In politics the enemy the smart need to watch out for is not the dumb but the clever.  The clever head that produced "General Betray Us" for the general who, by informed consensus, did the smartest thing in a dumb war, cost the smart heads on all the credit they might have earned by their smartness.  "A tribe like the others.  Only full of show-off wit." 

Sometimes the only way an obvious dumb-head running for office can win is to gain the sympathy vote on top of his dumb-head vote.  This he can do if dumb and mixed heads see smart-heads being unfair to him, picking on him, making him look dumber than he really is.  So the dumbest thing a smart-head can do is be unfair to a real dumb-head who has a chance of winning an election and the smartest thing he can do is be scrupulously fair, squeaky fair, to that dumb-head. 

And that, we may notice, gives the mixed-head another test of tribalism.  If the response to efforts by a journalist to get the exact degree and direction of Trump's dumbheadedness is a charge of complicity ("What are you, soft on stupidity?") then they've got all the identification of a tribalist they need.  

Tribalists want allegiance.  When any tribe — racial, political, territorial, theological, esthetic — looks to the journalist like the tribe of the good, the tribe he (or she, always here) thinks he ought to belong to, then he is under pretty strong pressure, internal pressure, to signal his allegiance. "I'm with you, fighters for the good."  Add this to the pressure from outside and you can see how much credit the journalist who resists it deserves. It takes a lot of courage to stick to smarts when goodness is tempting.  

Donald Trump.  Was there ever a public figure who offered  a more tempting opportunity to show allegiance to, and superiority within, the tribe of the smart, the clever, and the good?

So all hail the tribe of those who resist that temptation, the tribe of the courageously smart.  And how do we know the membership?  Is there a signal?  Yes, in the way they present the dumb.  Are we getting the exact degree of stupidity exhibited?  If so, our writer is of the tribe of brave smart-heads.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

330. Just What Trump Needs

Instruction from a philosophy professor, that's what Trump needs.  I'll bet he had plenty of them at Fordham.  He's just forgotten what he learned from them.  If so, here's a reminder, from a philosophy professor at Tufts University, Daniel Dennett:

How to compose a successful critical commentary:
(1) You should attempt to re-express your target’s position so clearly, vividly, and fairly that your target says, “Thanks, I wish I’d thought of putting it that way."
(2) You should list any points of agreement (especially if they are not matters of general or widespread agreement).
(3) You should mention anything you have learned from your target.

(4) Only then are you permitted to say so much as a word of rebuttal or criticism.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

329. Poem about the Islamic State

The Islamic State

Down in the nest
A cuckoo, a cuckoo
Down in the nest
A cuckoo down there

A bird of their feather
A cuckoo, a cuckoo
A bird of their feather
A cuckoo down there

The nestlings, the nestlings
Oh blood and the nestlings
Oh blood and the nestlings
The nestlings down there

Blood blood on the branches
Blood drips from the branches
Blood drips from the branches
The branches down there

The eagles look down on the branches
The blood on the branches
The eagles look down on the blood
On the branches down there

The blood and the branches
The nest and the nestlings
The eagles look down
They look down

Thursday, March 17, 2016

328. Article for a philosophy journal: request for suggestions.

This is the fruit of recent posts.  I haven't decided where to send it yet and would appreciate suggestions about that too.

A Problem with Socrates as a Model for the Philosopher

For some Socrates is the model teacher.  Be like him before students, using the question-and-answer method, and at the end you will have them telling you what you want to tell them. For some he is the model inquirer.  Be like him looking outward, theorizing and testing and checking, and at the end you will have the most reliable knowledge of the world.  Be like him looking inward and you will have the most reliable knowledge of yourself.  And for some, adding his pursuit of the good life, he is even higher on his pedestal, the model philosopher.  And he has been this model for a long time.

No wonder then that those who want to be, or be called, a philosopher, try to be like him.  I see them examining his behavior in Plato's Dialogues, and, if they do that carefully, coming up with something like this: one must be (1) very careful about what one believes, (2) very careful about how one speaks, and (3) very careful about how one lives. Extraordinary care, rather than a particular belief, or produced speech, or adopted way of life, that is what distinguishes Socrates and, insofar as he stands for him, the philosopher.

I take it that in distinguishing Socrates in this way I am also distinguishing the scientist.  Never mind that many of Socrates' (or Plato's) beliefs fall quickly under the scientist's tests.  It was the method that counted, the conjecturing and testing and checking and re-theorizing that produced reliable belief.  Distinguish the scientist and you have distinguished the West.  You have distinguished the tradition unique to it, the academic tradition. And Socrates started that.

I am working in that tradition when I make the following conjecture and submit it in this article for test by its readers: that it is impossible for a human being  to meet the requirements to be like Socrates.  My submission, though, will be outside of part of that tradition, the scientific part, in that it will not limit itself to impersonal observation.  For reasons that I hope will be come clear it will rely on personal narrative.  It assumes that scientists, if they could have a report from the rat in the maze, would welcome it.

All right, I'll begin with my care about belief.  I was once very careful [this rat wants to be a philosopher] about my belief in God.  I had reviewed the findings of the people I had carefully determined to be the most careful I could find, university professors.  Their care forced me to discard every proposition requiring belief in God's existence.  I believed that Richard Dawkins' book, The God Delusion, cinched the case.  Then I plunged into the world with my belief.  I declared my belief at coffee hour after a church service.  And the world spoke back.  "Great Heavens, watch your words," said my wife on the way home.  "You are going to hurt a lot of feelings.  Nobody will sit next to you if you aren't more careful."  I couldn't accuse my wife of carelessness.  My extreme care had made me the careless one.  And thrown me into painful conflict.

Reflection [this is a thinking rat] showed me that I had created the conflict by introducing requirement (3), being careful about how I lived.  I had decided that to live the good life I had to join the human race.  Living alone in my head or my office was not a good life.  But the human race, I saw, lives in tribes.  I had joined the tribe of church-goers.

My wife had pointed out  that you can't join a tribe without respecting tribal beliefs and speaking tribal words.  Belief-wise tribal words are careless words but speech-wise they're just what care requires.  I had been careless.

Is it possible to be careful one way without being careless the other?  Well, looking at the coffee-hour crowd I had to say yes.  Long-time members of this church, known to me to be non-believers, must have gotten it right regularly.  Nobody avoided sitting next to them.  They maintained contact with the human race.  They showed no signs of pain or conflict.  I just had to be like them.

What would it take?  Tact, sensitivity, rhetorical skill, as my wife could point out.  Acquire those and I'd have it right.  Learning to take my wife's kind of care would solve my problem.  I thought I was capable of that. 

But had I faced the problem in its entirety?  Did my church coffee-hour take me deeply enough into the world, into its most difficult challenges?  I don't know what I am capable of until I've been fully tested. 

On then to this, the most difficult challenge I think I have faced.  I am at a contemporary dinner party.  I know that I have to take the kind of care my wife took with speech.  And I can't give up the kind of care Socrates taught me.  I still want to be a philosopher.  I see that a more comprehensive kind of care will be  required, but I haven't learned to exercise that kind of care yet. 

All right, at the table, questions of the day.  Urgent questions.  Is it true that blacks perform poorly in the classroom?  Is it true that desire to perform well is not much encouraged by black parents? by fellow blacks in school?  Is there a problem with black culture?  I, careful as I can be, report as fact the findings of those people that , again, I have carefully determined to be the most careful I can find.  So that we all can go on to the big question: What do blacks need to do to get out of the fix they're in?  Over the horizon is the question, What can whites do to help?  On the way home my wife tells me that my reported facts have hurt a lot of feelings — of blacks and their friends, mostly — and that I could wind up not being invited back.

She has shown me the prior problem.  Before worrying about speech or belief you've got to worry about where you are, whether you're in a tribe or not, and if you are in a tribe, which one?  On this night I, with all my learned skill, had gotten my tribe wrong and seriously underestimated tribal beliefs.

Now I came to that party thinking of the academic tribe, descended from the tribe of Socrates, as the tribeless tribe, or at least as the tribe that aspired to tribelessness, the one tribe that did so.  That gave it an advantage in solving problems.  Its members started with a more objective view of reality, where the causes of the problem were found.  They avoided tribal distortions.  Example: When they reported the percentage of blacks being incarcerated in the United States they included the percentages that give such a percentage relevance: the percentage of blacks in the population and the percentage of blacks committing crimes.  Failure to do this distorted the picture, and revealed tribal interest.

Members of the academic tribe did not, in my mind, engage in war, cultural or physical, but messages from them could be very helpful to warring tribes in solving their problems.  At the table I tried to deliver what I thought would be a helpful message because I wanted to live the good life.  A good life to me was a life engagé. 

Does the fact that the engagement failed here mean that such engagements will inevitably fail?  No.  The delivery was inadequate to the need.  Though I had taken account of who the audience was, and where they were, I had failed to take into account the times in which they and I were living, the when.  This was the postmodern era.  My tribeless tribe was being called "the tribe that kids themselves."   Appeals to "reality" and "objectivity" were being denied.  The message I was delivering had, in itself, insufficient weight to counter the weights — mainly the hurt to feelings — already against it.

So there was a problem prior to the prior problem.  And I didn't see a good solution, or at least one I was capable of.  "Yes," I said to my academic colleagues, "the objective message that hurts feelings may be just what warring tribes need," and "Yes," I said to Socrates, "the unexamined life is not worth living," and "Yes," I said to Max Beerbohm, "the examined life is no bowl of cherries either," I know all that, but I'm a frail human being, and I'm not up to knowing everything I need to know about an era that will affect my message.

Joining the scientist we can say that the maze is too difficult for this rat.  Will it be too difficult for all rats?  Can no rat ever be a philosopher on the model of Socrates?  The scientist can't say.  All he can say is that a rat of a certain capacity, willing and able to report on his experience, attempted to follow the Socratic model under the most difficult circumstances he could find and failed.  Though it might have been possible for him to meet each of the requirements individually it was impossible for him to meet them in combination, at the same time.

Though the eras and tests will vary, historians tell me that if I think there are other eras where the challenges are simpler and easier, then I haven't looked closely enough.  And if I think there are other rats able to meet challenges like this, super rats, psychologists will tell me I haven't read their work closely enough.  And when I learn from linguists of all the changes in the weight of words, in hurt or credibility, changes that will not stop, and count up all the eras and all the tribes causing and reflecting those changes, and that I would have to know about, my intuition tells me that it would be very unlikely that there would be a brain with all the capacity, and all cells and all the synapses, that, even at the highest firing speeds, could take it all in and make the owner of that brain, even if he had the determination and persistence and other traits of character Socrates had, able to take the kind of comprehensive care required of him.  Thus my conclusion: it is not humanly possible to be a philosopher on the Socratic model.

Friday, March 11, 2016

327. Problems in Trying to Be Like Socrates

To my readers: This post is a condensation of recent posts reflecting a narrowing of my interests.  I am sending it to Philosophical Forums/Ethics, looking for more specialized commentary, and in the future will send similar posts directly there.  If you are interested go to  http://forums.philosophyforums/ethics/ or Google "Philosophy Forums"  If you would like to be notified of a post let me know.

From my reading of Plato's Dialogues I have concluded that to be like Socrates I must be (1) very careful about what I believe, (2) very careful about how I speak, and (3) very careful about how I live. Extraordinary care, rather than a particular belief, or produced speech, or adopted way of life, is the sine qua non. I have the feeling that many people, like me, want to be like Socrates, and that this will gain them the name "philosopher."

My own thought and experience have led me to conclude that meeting the above requirements is not humanly possible. The greater the care anybody takes the greater the difficulties he or she is going to raise. Though my experience is extensive and, I think, deep, my training in philosophy is well behind that of others who appear on this forum. I am interested in knowing whether or not I am right, and if not, where am I going wrong. Also in anything else that might help conceive, state, or solve the problem.

The problem is not meeting the three requirements individually; it's meeting them in combination. I don't see it as a logical or theoretical problem; I see it as a human one, arising in the world. And it is best displayed, I think, through personal narrative, a story of my own attempts to be a good follower of Socrates.

Begin with that care about belief. I was once very careful about my belief in God. I had reviewed the findings of the people I had carefully determined to be the most careful I could find, university professors. Their care forced me to discard every proposition requiring belief in God's existence. I believed that Richard Dawkins' book, The God Delusion, cinched the case. Then I plunged into the world with my belief. I declared it at coffee hour after church. And the world spoke back. "Great Heavens, watch your words," said my wife on the way home. "You are going to hurt a lot of feelings. Nobody will sit next to you if you aren't more careful." I couldn't accuse my wife of carelessness. My extreme care had made me the careless one. And thrown me into painful conflict.

Reflection showed me that I had created the conflict by introducing requirement (3), being careful about how I lived. I had decided that to live the good life I had to join the human race. Living alone in my head or my office was not a good life. But the human race, I saw, lives in tribes and you can't join one without respecting tribal beliefs and speaking tribal words. I had joined the tribe of church-goers.

Belief-wise tribal words are careless words but speech-wise they're just what care requires. Is it possible to get one right without getting the other wrong? Well, in the coffee-hour case, apparently yes. Long-time members of this church, known to me to be non-believers, must get it right regularly. Nobody avoids sitting next to them. They maintain contact with the human race. They show no signs of pain or conflict. I just have to be like them.

What will it take? Tact, sensitivity, rhetorical skill, as my wife may point out. Acquire those and I'll have it right. Learning to take my wife's kind of care will solve my problem. I think I am capable of that.

But have I faced the problem in its entirety? Does my church coffee-hour take me deeply enough into the world? I don't know what I am capable of until I've been fully tested. On then to this, the toughest challenge I think I've faced. (And on with me, I hope, philosophers suspicious of personal narrative. I believe that I can't present the full problem, down in the world, without such narrative. Socrates didn't hesitate and neither will I.)

I am at a contemporary dinner party. I know that I have to take the kind of care my wife took with speech. And I can't give up the kind of care Socrates taught me. I still want to be a philosopher. I see that a more comprehensive kind of care will be required — to get my situation in the world right, to solve my problem, to lead the good life, an examined life — but I haven't learned to exercise that kind of care yet.

All right, at the table, questions of the day. Urgent questions. Is it true that blacks perform poorly in the classroom? Is it true that desire to perform well is not much encouraged by black parents? by fellow blacks in school? Is there a problem with black culture? I, careful as I can be, report as fact the findings of those people that , again, I have carefully determined to be the most careful I can find. So that we all can go on to the big question: What do blacks need to do to get out of the fix they're in? Over the horizon is the question, What can whites do to help? On the way home my wife tells me that my reported facts have hurt a lot of feelings and that I could wind up not being invited back.

She has shown me the prior problem. Before worrying about speech or belief you've got to worry about where you are, whether you're in a tribe or not, and if you are in a tribe, which one? On this night I, with all my learned skill, had gotten my tribe wrong and seriously underestimated tribal beliefs.

Now I came to that party thinking of the academic tribe, descended from the tribe of Socrates, as the tribeless tribe, or at least as the tribe that aspired to tribelessness, the one tribe that did so. That gave it an advantage in solving problems. Its members started with a more objective view of reality, where the causes of the problem were found. They avoided tribal distortions. Example: When they reported the percentage of blacks being incarcerated they included the percentages that give it meaning: the percentage of blacks in the population and the percentage of blacks committing crimes. Failure to do this distorted the picture, and revealed tribal interest.

Members of the academic tribe did not, in my mind, engage in war, cultural or physical, but messages from them could be very helpful to warring tribes in solving their problems. At the table I tried to deliver what I thought would be a helpful message because I wanted to live the good life. A good life to me was a life engagé.

Does the fact that the engagement failed here mean that such engagements will inevitably fail? No. The delivery was botched. Though I had taken account of who the audience was, and where they were, I had failed to take into account the times in which they and I were living, the when. This was the postmodern era. My tribeless tribe was being called "the tribe that kids themselves." Appeals to "reality" and "objectivity" were being denied. The message I was delivering had, in itself, insufficient weight to counter the weights — mainly the hurt to feelings — already against it.

So there's a problem prior to the prior problem. And I don't see a good solution, or at least one I am capable of. Yes, the objective message that hurts feelings may be just what warring tribes need, and yes, Socrates, the unexamined life is "not worth living," and yes, Max Beerbohm, the examined life "is no bowl of cherries either," but I'm a frail human being, and I'm not up to knowing everything I need to know about an era that will affect my message.

What I don't know is whether or not I am an exception, whether there are other human beings who can solve this problem. Until I know that I am not justified in concluding that meeting the requirements to be like Socrates, and be called a philosopher, is not humanly possible.