Wednesday, February 27, 2019

427. Poem: Getting Used to Obscenity

So I told George about this site I came across a bunch of naked women sitting in a circle with vibrators in their winkies listening to an older woman with a device in her winkie tell them how to do it and all it will do for their mental health and the cause of women's liberation and George says well that's the way it's going these days porn entering the mainstream and you might as well get used to it and I say hell I'm already used to the porn it's the pop psychology and liberation spiel I want to call the police about.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

426. Poem: Our Lady

Queen of Heaven, prayed to by Mike oh Mary help me when the coal slide buried him, what power she must have had a goddess yet human as the girl with her hand extended stopping the announcing angel wait let me take this in wait God himself you say in me from me me what little boy isn't going to bow and revere as his mother and teachers tell him more about her, teaching him reverence and respect respect for higher power and what little boy wouldn't shiver when the oldest boy in the gang Ray then said "ah my Lady's ass" showing as the prof explained later the attraction in profanity it let men show other men their manliness they weren't going to let a bunch of women boss them around and in a gang of boys the first boy to take Mary's name in vain wow that kid had become a man that is had balls and what better sign of their size than the size of the forces he was willing to take on consciously at first then unconsciously and faintly when such boys called every disrespected thing bloody a reduction of the old "by our Lady" but they didn't know that and said "aw your bloody ass" didn't know they were saying "your Lady's ass" didn't know much of anything which is why they were called Know Nothings and with their heirs were against all the elitists who knew something because they had listened to their teachers their women teachers with respect even though they had no balls.