You know my kind. Every time our president gestures
toward action abroad we start yelling, "Hold back! Hold back!" Well, it's time to change. With these guys who, because little
girls are trying to get a Western education, kidnap them and try to sell them,
with these guys I say go all out.
Sic the CIA on them, drop SEALs on
them, grind them with your boots (there, on the ground), drone them, bomb them,
make grease spots of them.
Anything to get those girls back.
And if you wipe out their culture in the process it's OK with me.
That's the passion of it. Here's the reason: you can be a hero in the world's eyes and you've got nothing to lose. The deed can be done
without any of the hazards of any of the other interventions we've feared or
experienced. e
First, you're not going to get
bogged down. Not in Nigeria. It's a friendly country. And these guys have no constituency there, not any that
counts. Nigeria is nothing like
Viet Nam or Iraq or Somalia or the Balkans.
Second, you're not going to get
any flak from the American people.
On Twitter they're going nuts for action already.
Third, you're not going to get any
clucks from foreign heads of state.
Their people are out-twittering the Americans. No intelligent leader is going to go against a Twitter-tide
like the one moving now.
Fourth, and best of all, you're
not going to get any flak from Congressmen. Not any that won't take down their own planes. Say you do all the stuff the opposing
party loves to show shock at, like breaking your word and putting American
boots on the ground. Weren't
those troops you sent there? Did you lie
about their presence? Or did you
simply rename them, as "advisers" and "trainers"? Did you COVER UP?
"Yes, I did. To save the girls. And I did it the way you have to do
such things these days," admits Obama, less tersely.
Can you picture a Republican
getting huffy? "Well, I certainly wouldn't have done such
things." Can't you hear the
twitter? "What kind of naive
idealists speak for this party?
Are they afraid of dirtying their hands in a good cause? Do they think
saving little girls is not good?"
Republicans, Republicans, will
be coming off as wimps. Heartless wimps. They're not going to let that happen.
Of course you have to do this with
the permission of the Nigerian government. Will you get that permission in an open and upright
manner? Will you exceed its
terms? Will you cover up your maneuvers
and excesses in dealing with them?
Maybe. But have no
fear. When he's riding a
Twitter-tide a politician can do practically anything.
If you're in doubt, picture the
Congressional hearing. "Did
you get clear permission from the Nigerian government to do this?"
"Well, yes and no."
"Aha," thinks the
Congressman, "we've got a cover-up."
Let him think it. You need think only of the birds on
Twitter: "Screw permission.
Get those girls."